Meet the Artist

Today marks another day, sitting in my studio, that I built with my own two hands, surrounded by prismatic light beaming through the windows it is the little things I long for most. The sun kissing my skin on a hot summer day’s walk. The water caresses my toes as the waves ascend the beach. A lone breeze sweeping through the fresh spring flowers, I long for these moments every day all day. Nature is alluring and magical; it is something that we must cherish now and protect for the future. Looking around my art studio, I can see just how much nature has given me.
My bookcase, embroidery hoop, and easel came from the earth and are filled with the same nature that supplied me with endless amounts of memories, reflection, and knowledge. Wooden frames hold images of loved ones here and gone, soothing me when things go awry. Most recently poetry has deeply resonated with me and my practice, words so small and significant like the bees that buzz lovingly across the flower buds. Who knew they could light up the mind like the sun does the sky? We sometimes take all the little things for granted but it’s the little things that matter the most.
Look outside from time to time, walk in nature and let it soak into your body.
My art practice is all that nature gives me, large and small every moment is a treasure I hold dear.
My passion stems from my love for nature and my personal development as an individual. Nature for me evokes beauty, fragility, and a feeling of peace and serenity. My reaction to being in nature feels spiritual; it moves me to my core, centers me, and helps me understand what’s ultimately most important in life. Connection, balance, growth, beauty, and hope are all keywords I want to incorporate into my work.
My obsession with fibers began with my love for the outdoors. Growing up I lived in two extremely lush and naturally diverse ecosystems. Florida, known for its white sandy beaches, crashing waves, and abundance of sea life and Tennessee, a place known for its huge rolling hills and valleys, seasonal changes, and wildlife both big and small. I found that constantly being surrounded by nature made me want to savor and save it even more. My fiber sculptures and paintings are a mixture of fibers, up-cycled materials, and found objects to create a more realistic and texturally lush scene. With my work, I want to help my viewers re-establish a connection to nature, and with nature as a means for its continuation for future generations.